
The Ultimate Pokédex is a new skill for Amazon Echo (a.k.a. Alexa).  You can find more information about the Pokédex on our main site:


Our goal is to make the Ultimate Pokédex… well… you know… the ultimate Pokédex!  We think we have a pretty good start with the 1.0 release, but there are many more ideas to implement over the next few months.  On this blog we’ll discuss recent and upcoming changes.

One last thing.  We know you’ll find a bug or two.  Alexa’s not perfect, but neither is any app or skill ever developed.  Please let us know your honest feedback about the app.  What’s broken?  What don’t you like?  What could be improved?  Constructive criticism is just as important as positive feedback.  Check out our support page to log bugs and provide suggestions:


Thank you for lending your ear.  We hope you find the Ultimate Pokédex useful and we hope you enjoy the experience of using it!